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Image by Alvin Engler

What Do We Do?

Image by Markus Spiske

Consultations and Quotes for Soil Health and other projects

Image by Noah Buscher

Straw Bail Mushroom Gardens

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Have you ever wanted to grow your own edible mushrooms? Well with my help you can!   After a consultation and a walk around your property we can discuss where best to place this feature to best serve you.  I currently offer two sizes of mushroom gardens, 1 bale and 2 bale.  Whole sale options available.  

Natural Raised Beds with Straw Bails
(the layer method)

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Using straw bales as a border and building the middle up with organic material is a very good way to support a healthy Soil Food Web.   This feature can be customized for any area.  We will need to have a full consultation to determine pricing and timelines.

Inoculation of pre- existing soil and gardens

Mycorrhizal  and fungal hyphae.jpg

This process will stimulate massive root growth and in turn provide bigger and more productive crops.  Mycorrhizae is a fungus that literally shares nutrients with plants around them.  In trade for the excess sugars a plant produces the Mycorrhizae breaks down food that wouldn't be readily bioavailable to the plant. 

(Hill Mounds)


Downed trees, fallen branches headed for the brush pile, and rough lumber can all be used; you are essentially taking rotting wood and other compostables and allowing it to break down in a way that you can benefit from.  These mounds  are massive heaps of logs, branches, leaves, straw, cardboard, grass clippings, and manure or compost mounded to be wider at the bottom than at the top.  Water retention and proper drainage all wrapped into one!

Worm bins and Worm Towers 


Welcome to the Wonderous World of Mushrooms and the Secret Life of Soil!  Schedule an appointment for a 1-1 visit where we can talk about everything related to the earth and gardens around you.  Here we can discuss more in depth how I can help you fight erosion, use less water, eliminate the need for pesticides and ultimately save money in the long run.  My practices have been shown to help the bees and offset greenhouse gases too!

After a consultation and a walk through your property, we will determine a good place for the worm farm.  This may consist of a few towers directly in your garden or a separate bin to collect worm castings.  The cost of this feature will depend on the size of the Worm bin or tower and the amount of materials needed offsite.

Natural systems maintain a closed loop, where waste from one element becomes input for another element. Nothing is depleted, and nothing accumulates into pollution.

Other Services include but are not limited to:

Garden Refurbishing

Garden Design

Garden Maintenance

Landscape Design

Entrance Design

Walkway Design

Sustainable Landscaping

Tree Pruning

Tree Transplanting

Garden Installation

Landscape Construction

Landscape Maintenance

Planting Planning

Water Feature Design

Tree Planting

Tree Removal

Image by Shahadat Rahman
Check out some of my past projects!
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